Master Programs 36 - 39 credit hours beyond the bachelor program and a 100 page Thesis
Prerequisites: Bachelor’s Degree or Equivalent
Master of Biblical Studies - 36 credits
BIB – 502 – Advanced Christology Parts 1 & 2 (3 cr. hours)
Indebt study of Christ - The controversy as to who Jesus Christ really is, that is, how He should be correctly known regarding His person and nature traces its roots in the first century and continues to this day. For at present, there exist many so-called Christian religions, all professing belief in Jesus Christ but with conflicting beliefs on who Jesus truly is.
BIB – 503 – Spiritual Battle – (3 cr. hours)
This course teaches God’s Plan for Spiritual Battle Victory Over Sin, the World, and the Devil – Book - God’s Plan for Spiritual Battle Victory Over Sin, the World, and the Devil - Russell M. Stendal
CHT – 5503 – Creation Therapy – Parts. 1 & 2 (18 cr. hours)
This course provides the student with the biblical, historic, and scientific background of the theory of temperament, Creation Therapy, and to provide evidence of the validity of this theory and counseling technique.
DOMV – 5401 – Domestic Violence – (6 cr. hours)
Students will gain insight on the love of God while discovering attributes of Domestic Violence within the Christian Community.
THESIS PREPARATION (2 cr. hours) – Course teaches on preparation of thesis and dissertation.
THESIS – (4 cr. Hours) – Credits awarded for approved thesis.
BIB – 500 – Biblical Beliefs – (3 cr. hours)
This course examines the various beliefs about Christ and how these believes were derived. Optional/Elective
BIB – 501 – Names of God – (3 cr. hours)
This course presents the attributes of God, and reveals His various names and what the names meant to those in Biblical times and in current time. At the end of this course, the student will have a deeper understanding of the person of God and how to relate to Him more intimately on a daily basis. Optional/Elective
HERM – 502 – Hermeneutics – Pt. 1 - (3 cr. hours)
This course introduces you to the principles and processes of biblical interpretation and application and includes written, verbal, and nonverbal communication.
HERM – 503 – Hermeneutics – Pt. 2 Continued – (3 cr. hours)
Emphasis will be placed on both theory and practice. Within the framework of an exegetical method, you will learn to apply basic principles to selected passages from the Old and New Testaments.
HERM – 504 – Hermeneutics – Pt. 3 Continued – (3 cr. hours)
Special attention will be given to the principles used in correctly interpreting parables, poetry, and prophecy.
Master of Christian Education - 39 credits -
The program does not meet requirements for professional state licensure or certification but is strictly for granting religious degrees to prepare students for ministry.
CE – 521 - Releasing Spiritual Gifts (3 cr. hours)
This introductory class teaches about the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will work through lessons on how the Holy Spirit moves, exercising spiritual gifts, and more.
CE – 522 - Infallible Proofs - (3 cr. hours)
This course provides an introduction to the various kinds of biblical apologetics to be reviewed in this program. Book - The Infallible Word of God Charles H. Spurgeon
CE – 523 – Communication Techniques – (3 cr. hours)
This course revitalizes teachers and bible study leaders in effective communication techniques.
CE – 524 – Discipleship – (3 cr. hours)
This course is based on the pattern of instruction as given during Christ’s Sermon on the Mount.
CE – 525 - The Tabernacle in the Wilderness – (3 cr. hours)
A Study of Christ in the Tabernacle, the Offerings, and the Priesthood
CHT – 5503 – Creation Therapy - (18 cr. hours)
This course provides the student with the biblical, historic, and scientific background of the theory of temperament, Creation Therapy, and to provide evidence of the validity of this theory and counseling technique.
THESIS PREPARATION (2 cr. hours) - Course teaches on preparation of thesis and dissertation.
THESIS (4 cr. Hours) - Credits awarded for approved thesis.
5401 - Domestic Violence - (6 cr. Hours)
This course teaches about violence happening within society and even in the church. Signs of domestic violence are taught and where to seek help.
HERM – 501 – Hermeneutics
This course introduces you to the principles and processes of biblical interpretation and application and includes written, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Emphasis will be placed on both theory and practice. Within the framework of an exegetical method, you will learn to apply basic principles to selected passages from the Old and New Testaments. Special attention will be given to the principles used in correctly interpreting parables, poetry, and prophecy.
CHR – 501 – Christology – Pt. 1 – (3 cr. hours)
The course cross-reference the Old Testament and how it relates to Theology.
CHR – 502 – Christology – Pt. 2 - (3 cr. hours)
The course cross-reference the Old Testament and how it relates to Christ
CHR – 503 – Christology – Pt. 3 – (3 cr. hours)
A study of the types of Christ in the Old Testament while focusing on The Divine and Human Person of Christ Part 2: The Union of His Deity and His Humanity.
CHR – 504 – Christology – Pt. 4 – (3 cr. hours) - The Life of Christ in the Gospels.
1. Enhances the ability to understand and make use of basic documents of faith, scripture, creeds, and traditions of the church.
2. Enhances the ability to think theologically through familiarity with methods and content of Christian thought. It provides leadership and counsel in the service of the church.
3. Enhances the ability to understand in theological terms, the sociological, ideological, and political aspects of the cultures in which the church ministers.
4. Enhances the ability to communicate clearly through preaching, teaching, and writing.
HSPR – 501 – (3 cr. hours)
A study of the biblical doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
CHT – 5503 – Creation Therapy - Parts. 1 & 2 (18 cr. hours)
This course provides the student with the biblical, historic, and scientific background of the theory of temperament, Creation Therapy, and to provide evidence of the validity of this theory and counseling technique
IP – 515 - Intercession Prayer (3 cr. hours)
This course teaches how Christ preaches so continually: the blessing of prayer is that you can ask and receive what you will; the highest exercise and the glory of prayer is answered. Book - God’s Plan for Spiritual Battle Victory Over Sin, the World, and the Devil - Russell M. Stendal
SERP – 516 – Sermon Preparation – (3 cr. hours)
A step-by-step approach to the development of expository sermons, with careful attention to exegetical accuracy and effective homiletical formatting. Students will prepare sermons from a variety of biblical genres, including Old Testament and New Testament passages.
MIN – 517 – Ministry Gifts (5 Fold) – (3 cr. hours)
An examination of the ministry gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Jesus gave gifts to men. Discover how these gifts function together in the church “to prepare God’s people for works of service”. This study will help many understand God’s call on their lives.
THESIS PREPARATION – (2 cr. hours) – Course teaches on preparation of thesis and dissertation.
THESIS – (4 cr. Hours) – Credits awarded for approved thesis.
The Master of Arts in Clinical Christian Counseling degree is designed to prepare the student for a specialized ministry in various areas within society. This includes individual, couples, families, religious organizations, corporations, and other religious settings. Upon completion of this program students receive credentials from the National Christian Counseling Association (NCCA) in the form of certification and or licensure. This faith-based licensure is not to be confused with state-based licensure. The NCCA faith-based licensure, however, does allow students to counsel professionally under the umbrella of the local church. For more information on the benefits of the NCCA licensure, please contact us @
Master of Clinical Christian Counseling - 39 credits beyond the Bachelor degree
Requirements -
- Bachelor degree
- Complete a practicum. This consists of administering the A.P.S. to 20 individuals.
- All students are required to have current ministerial credentials in order to be credentialed as a certified, licensed, or pastoral counselor by the National Christian Counselors Association.
- Note: Becoming licensed by the NCCA is an option. It is not a requirement for graduating from HRU. Therefore if pursuing a Master of Christian Counseling from HRU, the student is not required to complete courses from Phases I & II
Additional Requirements – Each candidate must:
- Complete a practicum. This consists of administering the A.P.S. to 15 additional individuals.
- Complete Phase I
- Upon completion of the required courses, submit the following:
a. A signed application for N.C.C.A. license. The Notification and Release Form for Personal National Screening.
(This form authorizes the N.C.C.A. to secure a national background check to verify each candidate.
b. Submit current ministerial credentials.*
c. A licensing fee of $100.
Phase II - a Masters degree, this program provides the following for the successful student:
- Appropriate Advanced Certification for selected specialty areas completed
- Master of Arts degree in Clinical Christian Counseling
- Note: Individuals who already hold a Masters degree in counseling or a related/ accepted field may elect to complete the requirements for license and qualify for a Doctoral degree in Clinical Christian Counseling by completing the following:
- Complete Phase I Courses - Each candidate must complete or have already completed the following 5 courses:
- Basic Christian Counseling
- Temperament Theory
- Testing/Measurements
- Temperament Therapy Christian Counseling:
- Integrating Temperament and Psychology
- Twenty-Five (25 page) essay using the results from individual APS results or on temperament in general.
- Creation Therapy (only if not completed - Temperament Theory, Testing/Measurements, or Temperament Therapy)
Additional Requirements - Each candidate must:
- Complete a practicum. This consists of administering the A.P.S. to 10 individuals under the direction of an assigned and approved clinical supervisor.
- Upon completion of the required courses, submit the following:
a. Written responses to 50 ethical questions posed by the N.C.C.A.’s Licensing Board of Examiners.
b. $50 for first year’s annual dues.
c. A signed Application for Certification/Membership form and a signed copy of N.C.C.A.’s Code of Ethical Standards
Courses: Phase II
Mastering Pastoral Counseling Utilizing Temperament - (4 credits) Rev. John W. Luton, M.A., Richard G. Arno, Ph.D. and Phyllis J. Arno, Ph.D.
The candidate will be provided with specific information regarding stress, anger and guilt with the emphasis on the need to
develop family relationships. This course utilizes the N.C.C.A.'s counseling model, Temperament Therapy.
Temperament Case Studies (4 credits) Compiled by Phyllis J. Arno, Ph.D.
The candidate will learn first-hand the counseling model with which the N.C.C.A. members and graduates counsel. These case studies utilize the counseling model taught by the N.C.C.A. and they also incorporate other testing instruments with this model.
Course Requirements:
Submit one case study following the format provided by the instructor
Counseling The Codependent: A Christian Perspective Utilizing Temperament (4 credits) Jean M. LaCour, Ph.D.
The candidate will be provided with specialized training regarding codependency which incorporates the counseling taught by the N.C.C.A.
Christian Psychology and Counseling (4 credits)
This course introduces the student to the theory and practice of psychology and to provide a biblically based theology of
Christian Counseling.
Course Requirements:
·Complete a practicum. This consists of administering the A.P.S. to 15 individuals.
Masters Degree of Christian Counseling - 36 Credits
The Christian Counselor - Nouthetic Counseling– (4 credits) Author J. E. Adams
Nouthetic” counseling is biblical counseling—it gets its name from the Greek work noutheteo which is usually translated “admonish” (Romans 15:14, NKJV). It means “to confront as a friend” or warn someone with the intent of correcting behavior or beliefs.and was the normal method of counseling before modernists invented secular psychology in the early 1900s.
Counseling Through Your Bible (4 credits) Author June Hunt
This course teaches how to use biblical truth to change minds, hearts, and lives.
Training Christians to Counsel (6 credits) Norman Wright – A training model for Christians.
Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling (6 credits) - Mark R. McMinn -
Master Thesis (12 credits) - Student will write a 100 page thesis and submit for graduation requirements.